Registration for Pre-K to 12th Grade will be held at Galatia High School.
Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Thursday, Aug 1, 2019
When updated forms are ready we will let you know!
Due to the high likelihood of continuing thunderstorms, the cross country open gym is cancelled tomorrow night. Next one is Thursday morning.
Due to the possibility of storming in the morning, tomorrow's cross country open gym has been cancelled. The next one will be Monday evening at 5:30. As usual, meet in front of the high school.
Summer Program for Grades 3-12. Please share.
Galatia FFA members had a great time in the Old Settlers Day parade and won the best float plaque. Congratulations!
Cross Country will have their first open gym tomorrow evening from 5:30-6:45 in front of the high school. In order to participate, you MUST turn in your waiver form. Any questions, email Mrs. Lynch or message her on the Remind app. Bring something to drink.
Youth Empowerment Summer Program information and registration form. This program is for ages 4 - K, 1-3 graders, 4-6 graders, 7-8 graders, 9-12 graders & a Parents and Caregivers. MUST be registered by June 28th
Any Junior or Senior student interested in taking Spanish at Eldorado High School during the 2019-2020 school year please contact Mrs. Hamson
Galatia Junior High and High School students earning Honor Roll recognition for 4th Quarter:
Galatia will be entering a cooperative agreement with Thompsonville School District to offer CNA courses to our students for the 2019-2020 school year. This is open to juniors and seniors only. Any student who is interested needs to email Mrs. Hamson
Things to do this summer!
High School Volleyball open gym begins Thursday, May 30, 9:00-11:00 am.
Galatia Grade School 4th Quarter Honor Roll:
Beta students: several of you have still not turned in your volunteer sheets. 20 hours needed to be completed by May 22nd. Please place the forms in my mailbox at the high school office. I will pick them up by May 31st to check eligibility. Thanks!
Have a great summer!
Youth Empowerment Summer Program information and Registration Form. MUST be registered by June 28th
The JH/HS sports banquet will be held tomorrow, May 20 @ the HS gym. JH awards ceremony starts at 6:30, HS will follow with a 10 minute break between sessions. Also, the Trapcats are hosting a fish fry fundraiser before the sports banquet and will be serving from 4-6. The cost is $10 per person and includes a drink & dessert.
More pictures from tonight's 8th Grade Graduation.
Congratulations to our 8th Grade Graduates!
First grade visited the library to learn about summer programs, the town mural, and ROC for ice cream. It was a good day to be outside!